This is the class where it all started. This 60-minute class has produced more champions nationwide then even we could have imagined. We have groomed all Americans in high school, colleges and up to professionals in the NFL and NBA. If you are serious and ready to dedicate yourself to become the best at your sport, then this is the athletic training class for you.
Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30pm
Saturday at 9:00am
Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30pm
Saturday at 9:00am
Get a taste of the kind of work you'll be doing by watching some more videos of athletes in action on our video gallery page.
Please download a copy of our 'release' form and have it completed before your first class.
My name is Robert Ploof, and I am the head Varsity Girls Bowling coach at Flint Kearsley and for the last two years I have recommended to my girls that they work out at the gym to get ready for the upcoming bowling season. This year we ended up having eight kids from our bowling program join First Class Athletics and First Class was nice enough to accomadate us with our own class specifically for bowling and the kids began working out in early September. I heard the usual groans about how hard it is and how sore they were after working out but I have noticed something dramatic starting to happen, it has been easier to convince them that this is a good thing for them as a person and an athlete, they are becoming more confident in themselves and they are ready for competition. Specifically a couple of these girls have been bowling competitively in some tournaments around the state and when I went to watch them compete what I saw was girls who were way better prepared then their competition.
Some people don’t think of bowling as a very tough sport, but if you enter the bowling alley at 7:00am and bowl all day long and don’t finish a competition until 5:00 or 6:00pm it can be very tough mentally and physically. I watched these two girls destroy their competition all day long and not look the least bit tired. When I asked them what was going on and commented on how great they were doing, they actually said: “Working out at First Class Atheltics is paying off, I don’t feel tired at all”. By the way one of these young ladies that is working out at FCA has won the first four tournaments of the year in MJMA — this is unprecedented and she was also named 1st Team All State as a Freshman at Kearsley. We are expecting big things from her over the next three years at Kearsley and we can thank FCA for some of that.
For this, I say thank you to First Class Athletics and your staff. Thank you for preparing our athletes for competition. Thank you for tayloring work outs for our bowlers and thank you for making them work hard to be succesful.
We are always continually trying to improve our program and we found something in our neighborhood, just down the street from our home Richfield Bowl that is improving our bowling program. Thanks again for helping us keep our bowling program top notch in the state of Michigan, we are looking forward to a succesful season in 2017-2018."
Head Varsity Girls Bowling Coach
Kearsley High School — Flint, Michigan

“I began working out at FCA when I was 16 years old just one year after my first knee surgery. My younger brother had already started so I had been able to come and watch some workouts to see what I was getting into. To be honest I was extremely intimidated. Even after witnessing a few workouts I knew I didn't know what to expect. Although, my first day was far less than perfect I felt that I had gone through the hardest most advanced workout of my entire life and I was a four-sport athlete at the time.
For me at the beginning I had many ups and downs as far as how I felt about myself and my athletic abilities. However, Jerry never saw me as weak and always pushed me in ways I had never been pushed before. I saw improvements in myself each week and I began to love myself as an athlete again. I gained an entirely new level of confidence and understanding in my abilities and even my lifestyle. Just being a part of First Class Athletics has vastly improved my eating, my exercise and my basic living habits.
Now, I’m a 20 year old junior at Oakland University pursuing my love for track and field. I can say with a full heart and 100% honesty that I would not be where I am today without Jerry Robinson and his workouts at First Class Athletics. Today I attend FCA about six days a week both in the advanced athletes class and the women's class. Choosing to believe in Jerry and FCA was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I now know some of my closest friends because of FCA and I plan to workout at FCA for as long as I can and to continue spreading the word about Jerry and First Class Athletics in hopes to change many more lives just like mine.”
For me at the beginning I had many ups and downs as far as how I felt about myself and my athletic abilities. However, Jerry never saw me as weak and always pushed me in ways I had never been pushed before. I saw improvements in myself each week and I began to love myself as an athlete again. I gained an entirely new level of confidence and understanding in my abilities and even my lifestyle. Just being a part of First Class Athletics has vastly improved my eating, my exercise and my basic living habits.
Now, I’m a 20 year old junior at Oakland University pursuing my love for track and field. I can say with a full heart and 100% honesty that I would not be where I am today without Jerry Robinson and his workouts at First Class Athletics. Today I attend FCA about six days a week both in the advanced athletes class and the women's class. Choosing to believe in Jerry and FCA was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I now know some of my closest friends because of FCA and I plan to workout at FCA for as long as I can and to continue spreading the word about Jerry and First Class Athletics in hopes to change many more lives just like mine.”