GENERAL INFORMATION This is a Co-ed class that focuses on developing an athlete's vertical jump. It is specifically catered towards volleyball and basketball players. Workouts will consist of training on Vertimax's, plyometric exercises in the sand, and speed drills. Class will be run by current college athletes, who have grown up locally, and have been attending First Class Athletics for over six years. Get a step up on the competition this summer by getting FCA strong. Train exactly like the pro's do! We have five Vertimax's, and four Power Plates, plus more elite equipment to raise your vertical jump.
GENERAL INFORMATION This clinic is recommended for athletes ages 8-12. Workouts will consist of a combination of shooting, ball handling and agility drills. Athletes will be training both inside and outside — bringing indoor and outdoor shoes is recommended. The clinic will be conducted by current college basketball players who grew up in the local area and have trained at FCA.
GENERAL INFORMATION We are starting a sand volleyball league at FCA. Four new courts were put in last summer. This will be a family-friendly environment as there is no alcohol allowed and we encourage all skill levels to join in — no experience needed.
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